It is not advisable to use typical values of %Z & X/R while modelling the transformer in ETAP because the ETAP still follows these values based on IEC 60076-Part5-1994
but this standard has been updated in 2006 & the values of %Z & X/R of transformer are not the same in IEC 60076-part5-1994 & IEC 60076-part5-2006.
ETAP Still follows IEC-60076-Part5-1994 when you select typical values of %Z & X/R for transformer. The below table is snip from ETAP 19.0.5 help file
The updated values of of %Z & X/R for transformer given in IEC-60076-Part5-2006 is given in below image
This new standard is still not updated in ETAP 22.0 version.
What X/R Values are to be used? Default or any other standard to be used?
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